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Monday, July 11, 2011

If you could have ANYTHING you wanted right now...

Last night I was doing a lot of thinking and asked myself: "If you can have ANYTHING you want right now, what would it be?" It's actually quite interesting to think about it. Instead of just giving a an instinctive answer like, A HUGE RAISE or ICE CREAM CAKE, I wanted to come up with a real answer...what do I really want?

Right now...what I really would like is...internal clarity. A sense of peace that is hard to come by yet is desired by everyone. I know that it seems like a rather intangible or abstract thing to want when anwering my initial question but it is my answer nonetheless. I have SO many dreams and goals in life and I am simply not sure which one to pursue. All of them you say? Well if the human life span were 200 years then that might be possible...but seeing as though our lives move incredibly fast it's obviously not possible for me to acheive all my goals, so I am left with deciding which ones to pursue.

The list of my goals and dreams is beyond the scope of this particular post (but would be a good topic for a future blog post). Perhaps I need to work on narrowing down my list of things I want to accomplish, but really what's the fun in that? Maybe someday I'll have the answer to the question of what I am meant to do, where I am meant to be, and who I am meant to share that journey with. It's ok that I don't have any of these answers today...but, to answer the question that is the title of this blog piece, if I could have anything I wanted right would be the answers to those very questions.

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